(806) 763-3131

Celebrating 30 Years!
We have been serving the community for 30 years! Thank you to everyone who has made this possible!

Lubbock Victim Assistance Services, Inc.
You are not alone. We can help.
Who We Are
The Common Denominator
Lubbock Victim Assistance Services, Inc was founded in 1993 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
We work along side local law enforcement, the District Attorney's Office, and the Texas Attorney General's Office to advocate for victims and their families.
Here at LVAS we fight to ensure that all victims are treated with fairness, dignity and compassion by the criminal justice system and /or all other agencies involved. We strive to be the one common denominator for the victims of violent crime and family survivors of homicide.

Victim Impact Panel
Speak out Against Impaired Driving
The Panel is held every 3rd tuesday of the month. Except for December.
the sessions are at the Lubbock County Court House, 904 Broadway on the 3rd floor. (Enter on the East Side)
Session starts promptly at 7. Please be there between 6:15 and 6:30 to register (you do not have to pre-register).
The doors are locked at 6:45 and you will not be allowed to enter.
Cost of the class is $50 Money order or cash only, payable to LVAS (Lubbock Victims Assistance Services). This fee must be paid before entry to the class no matter how many times you are required to attend.
You will be provided with a certificate at the completion of the class, stating that you attended.
What to bring:
Please bring a picture ID, such as a drivers license, school ID, work ID or passport. (if you do not have a picuture ID your soical security card and birth certificate may suffice).
What else you need to know:
You are required to dress properly for this session. NO shorts, tank tops or revealing clothing. If you are not dressed properly you will not be allowed in the court house.
Relatives or guests may attend at not charge if there is space. Children under the age of 12 will not be allowed to enter.
If you have any questions please call us at 806-763-3131
Shattered Dreams
Shattered dreams is an immersive program that shows high school students the dangerous and consequences of drinking and driving.
Making a Difference
This year LVAS partnered with Monterey High School to put on Shattered dreams.

Doing What’s Needed
Students were shown the what would happen if they were arrested and convicted of killing someone while drinking and driving.

Tackling the Issue
A selected group of Juniors and Seniors from MHS were asked to potray the victim, defendent and friends involved. These students were then taken to the hospital to be tested for alcohol, the jail to be processed and the DA's office for sentencing.

Wrapping it up
This is all filmed and shown at MHS to the studnet body so they can see the consequences of drinking and driving. Shattered Dreams dives deep to show students that they must think before they act, not jsut for themselves but for others around them.
LVAS would like to say Thank You to: LPD, Lubbock Fire and EMS, Judge Eichman, Tom Brummet, Staff and Students at MHS and all the participents involved in making this Shattered Dreams a success.

Education and assistance with the filing of paperwork under the ​Texas Crime Victim Compensation Fund ​
Justice support and advocacy through the District Attorney's Office and local law enforcement officials
Transportation and court-related support such as court orientation and escort
Case status and disposition information
Assistance with Victim Impact statements and letters
Update victims regarding status of the perpetrator's probation, parole, and pardon stages of the criminal justice system
In house Counseling or referalls to other counseling services
LVAS provides an assistance program for victims of violent crime and family survivors of homicide without regard for age, race, ethnicity, gender, religious belief, disability, or residency.
Meet the Team
Commited to the Cause

Call our office to learn more or make a donation (806) 763-3131 or Pam Alexander-Schneider at (806) 789-5857